"God, to whom our lives may be the spelling of an answer." -Abraham Joshua Heschel

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Little Women

Last night, when I was on duty here in Getsch Hall, I decided to watch the movie Little Women, which is one of my all-time favorites; maybe because I feel like there is so much of me in the main character of Jo. She is a restless tomboy that doesn't really fit in and finds her only solace and expression in writing. In the end of the movie, she finds a companion in a professor named Frederich who challenges her to write. There is a powerful line that he says to her, which I liked so much, I had to write it down:
"Jo, you should be writing from LIFE! From the depths of your soul! There is nothing in this writing of the woman I am privileged to know. . . .there is more to you than this; if you have the courage to write it."
When I hear that line, I feel like it is also an admonition to myself- there is so much inside me, inside all of us, but do I have the courage to write it? I love writing, and honestly, for all of my childhood and teenage years, I was assured that I was going to be a writer. It was something that I loved to do, and it always came easily to me. But maybe, when I came to college, I thought that it was maybe too irresponsible of a career pursuit, or that maybe I had to do something more noble and tangible than just become some wistful, dreamy writer. But lately, I have found that there is a writer's voice within me that I cannot silence. . . . .
I once read a quote by C.S. Lewis: "We read to know that we're not alone." I suppose, I want to turn that statement around and make it my mission: "I want to write to let others know that they're not alone."


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