"God, to whom our lives may be the spelling of an answer." -Abraham Joshua Heschel

Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's damn cold out today. . .

For the love, it's quite cold and dreary and melancholy today. It makes for a good conversation starter. "Damn, it's cold out today." Duh, thank you Captain Obvious. I choose not to complain about the cold weather, because I choose to be grateful for the fact that I can feel it. It's almost like an analogy for life. . . .if you feel pain or joy, you at least know that you are alive and real. Feeling the cold in the morning when I step out of my car is a good reminder that I am alive and that I can feel.
It's already the second month of the semester. . . . and I am quite deep into my "senior year existential crisis." They don't prep you for this in Freshman Sem. Sometimes I just want to say, "Fuck it all," and sit on the couch in my sweats and watch sappy movies. Oh, wait, I did that all day yesterday. Wow, I'm closer to my goal than I thought. Ambition? What's that? I think I've lost all of that. Apathy? Now that's something I'm a little more familiar with right now. Let's just say it's because I'm human. . . .
Now I've got to hurry up and get on with life. . . .like, go study or something. Whatever.


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