"God, to whom our lives may be the spelling of an answer." -Abraham Joshua Heschel

Monday, October 10, 2005

World of Devastation

My friend Cara sent out this email to our World Challenge committee this morning:

"I don't know what to say or what to write. I know that disasters are piling up like stones on a monument to fragility. Over twenty thousand people are dead from the earthquake in India and Pakistan. More than a thousand have died just in Guatemala in mudslides after Hurricane Stan hit Central America, right on land that I once placed my feet. Our own country is reeling from Katrina and Rita. People are dying from flooding on our east coast and from a stampede in South Korea and from malnutrition and murder in Sudan and all over Africa and the world.
What can we say? What can we write? Can we stand and hold candles and sing or pray or have a moment of silence? Can we cry in public and send help somehow?Is there any community of mourning here? What can we do? Please? Anything? CanI do more than sit at a computer and stare through tears at still words and phrases? I am overwhelmed."

Here is a link to the BBC coverage on Guatemalan mudslides: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4324038.stm

There are thousands of people who are buried in mudslides, and they never could have known. Who WILL mourn for them? Our world is being torn apart by these huge disasters, and we live life like any other day? Shouldn't we fall to our knees and weep for the humanity that has been greatly lost?
Do I even mourn that much for these people, or do I simply continue through each day as well, not affected by it either?
I wish that more people would mourn for tragedy. . . .but yet I continue on in comfort. The real revolution of chance has to start with myself. . . . .


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