"God, to whom our lives may be the spelling of an answer." -Abraham Joshua Heschel

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Adventure in downtown Mpls.

Dabs (my roomie) and I decided to take a trip to the Sculpture Garden this morning, in hopes of sitting in the tropical warmth of the greenhouse to study. As a means of transportation and arduous exercise, we decided to bike there. I inquired to my housemate Mark as to which would be the quickest and safest bike route through downtown. His response was, "Follow the spirit, Mel. . .just follow the spirit." I suppose that meant the Sculpture Garden would call us to itself.

Alas, it did not.

Dabs and I found ourselves biking all the way up to North Minneapolis somehow, close to the house of my friends Andres and Victor. How we got up that far, I will never know. So, we had time to stop at an intriguing Ragstock location, and then find our way back through downtown yet again until we found streets that we recognized to take us back home.

Sad, it was, but also ironically hilarious. My thighs are still slightly burning from biking all of those miles, but it was worth it for an unexpectedly extended tour of downtown Minneapolis. . . .

Ahhh. . .unemployed life in the city. . . .


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