My spirituality is. . . .
to work with the forgotten,
to see those who are unseen,
to love those who are alone,
to touch those who hurt,
to seek wholeness for every person,
to welcome any and all, just as they are,
to accept every person,
to seek beauty and wrestle with tragedy,
to say more in silence or touch than words ever could,
to let prayer be more of a wordless longing than an exhaustive oratory,
to love so fully that it hurts,
to weep for pain and loss and humanity,
to see epiphanies of truth in the most mundane,
to celebrate and revel in mystery,
to see true, holistic freedom,
to know others, myself and the divine deeply and truly,
to work for authentic expression,
to believe that community is possible and prejudice will not prevail,
to have a constant reverence and awe,
to learn from those who are at the beginning or end of life (children and
elderly) or who are most simply themselves (the disabled),
to listen well and hear others' hearts and not just their words,
and to seek "something more". . . .
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