"God, to whom our lives may be the spelling of an answer." -Abraham Joshua Heschel

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

End of the Year. . . . .sigh. . .

Well, it's the end of this year, and I guess I'm feeling pretty weary, but also kind of wistful that it's ending. The friendships that I've had this year have been incredible, and I have had the HARDEST year of my college career, but by far, the best. It has been so crazy to live with freshman girls, and see them grow and struggle and change and learn and question. It has been amazing to find a fellowship of like-minded friends, who struggle with faith and politics and philosophy and the state of this world, and the state of their own hearts. Part of me is ready to be done with this really intense year, but another part of me feels like I need to just sit and deeply think about all of the things I have learned and understood and seen this year. I have found compassionate friends, learned a lot about brokenness, found my writer's voice, and thought about a lot of things. . . . . . . .We shall see what after college holds (not much time here left, just a semester) for me, and I must say, even though I had such a hard year, I wouldn't have traded it for anything. Really.


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