"God, to whom our lives may be the spelling of an answer." -Abraham Joshua Heschel

Monday, October 17, 2005

"Invisible Children"

I just watched the documentary "Invisible Children" with my World Challenge group, and I truly am now. . . . .heavy. By the end of the film, there were tears rolling down my face, and my roommate was sobbing. It is the kind of movie that shakes you, and makes you feel sick to your stomach.
"We want peace. Tell the American government that we want peace."
There is a civil war going on in Southern Sudan, and it has been going on for the past 19 years. The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has been fighting to take over the government, and it has been a time of genocide, violence and crisis. In order to keep their army filled, the LRA takes to the villages and kidnaps young children, in order to bring them into the army, brainwash them and teach them to fight. The children are indoctrinated with violence and murder. Thousands of children fear being abducted from their homes in the villages, and so they walk 6 miles every night into a larger city to sleep in the streets where they will be moderately safe. They live in utter fear, afraid that they will be taken and forced to kill, or lest they be killed themselves. These children are young, some not very much older than toddlers. The images of their sufferings causes me to feel sick, because there has been this dire need for decades, and we have done nothing about it. I just spent an hour being confronted with the pain in Sudan, and then I am walking around the halls of my university, feeling as if no one gives a care in the world.
This is not how it should be. The people in Sudan are human beings too. Who will speak for them? Something must be done. . . . . .there should not BE such injustice in the world.
My heart hurts for justice to be done. . . . .


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